How to Find People to Play D&D With

Just picked up D&D for the first time? Moved to a new town and haven't found your niche of gamers to play with? There are a myriad of reasons why someone would need help finding players to roll dice with. I... Read More...

What Destiny Has Taught Me About D&D

After a five-month hiatus, I've been hitting Destiny again, and hitting it hard. With two new DLC expansions since launch, I've had a lot of catching up to do. With a massive new expansion scheduled for this fa... Read More...
Prepare a Game Session in Four Steps

Prepare an RPG Session in Four Steps

Freedom -or the illusion of freedom-  is a very important aspect to players. You don’t want your players to feel like their adventures are railroaded or that their actions don't matter. There are many ways to n... Read More...
Books that Inspire Featured Image

Fantasy and Sci-Fi Books That Inspire

Whether you’re a DM or a player, inspiration for interesting characters and stories is important. Sometimes it can be tough to find new ideas for your campaign, and you might hit a creativity block. Usually in ... Read More...